National Aluminium Company Limited (NALCO) vacancies | Notification | Total Vacancies Available: 36

Total Vacancies Available: 36

Brief Information: National Aluminium Company Limited (NALCO) has released the vacancies for various posts. Please read the notification and the post before applying online.

Post Name Vacancies Qualification
Deputy Manager 29 The candidate looking for the role released by NALCO must have a Degree in any respective discipline and relevant years of experience as required.
Senior Manager 02 The candidate looking for the role released by NALCO must have a Degree in any respective discipline and relevant years of experience as required.
Assistant General Manager 05 The candidate looking for the role released by NALCO must have a Degree in any respective discipline and relevant years of experience as required.

Important Dates:

Last date to apply for the posts in notification released by the National Aluminium Company Limited (NALCO) is 27th September 2023.

Age Limit as on application date:

Maximum age to apply for the post released by the National Aluminium Company Limited (NALCO) is 45 years.

Notification and Process:

Interested candidates for the vacancies released by National Aluminium Company Limited (NALCO) can look at the other requirements in the below link:


Apply Online:

The interested candidates who like to apply for the vacancy released by National Aluminium Company Limited (NALCO) have to register at & later can login at and apply for the respective posts.

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